
Fort Barachel acts as a portal to support local entrepreneurship initiatives carry out capacity building to enhance and sharpen business mindsets so that we can promote development and eradicate poverty in our nation.

Entrepreneurship - Fort Barache

Entrepreneurship – Fort Barachel

Fort Barachel is currently working in four provinces of Burundi that is, Bujumbura, Bubanza, Gitega and Bururi. In Bubaza, Gitega and Bururi we are working with the youth teaching and empowering them to have a business mindset so that they can start their own business initiatives. We train them to work together in cooperatives so that they can put their efforts together based on the individual talents and gifts.  In Bujumbura province we identify vulnerable like the homeless, assess what their individual needs are and we work together to ensure that they get back to their feet, thus coming out of poverty and contributing the development of the society and country as a whole.


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