We are Fort Barachel

Building Hearts in the Heart of Africa

Who we are

We are a passionate organization focused on the transformation of society, working for the public interest to promote arts, sports, culture and entrepreneurship, We support grassroots communities in realization of programs and projects in the above-mentioned areas for the development of Burundi and the integral fulfillment of all people.

Raising talents in the Heart of Africa

The heart of Fort Barachel

Our passion is to see hearts changed, renewed minds and the well-being of the individual across Burundi and our surrounding nations.

  • Sports – Uplifting the talent of sports in Burundi.

  • Culture – Embracing our culture as one.

  • Entrepreneurship – Fighting to eradicate poverty.

  • Arts – Encouraging creativity.

Our Values

Building hearts in the Heart of Africa: The ideal is to restore man in his entirety.

To respond to the needs of the population by promoting and professionalizing skills and talents in order to ban politics by the outstretched hand.

To fight against poverty and contribute to the improvement of the well-being of the Burundian population, by stimulating the spirit of initiatives and cooperation for the sustainable development in Burundi.

  • Initiate, enhance and support local initiatives in the fields of sport, art, culture and entrepreneurship.
  • Defend the values that are based on social cohesion, the culture of well-being and the full development of each individual.
  • Build capacity through training and awareness raising to promote the spirit of initiative.
  • To carry out projects whose vocation is to contribute to the learning and the improvement of the living conditions of the Burundian population.

Our commitment is to the communities, to encourage, and work along side each other as we fight against poverty through local initiatives.  We want to equip, train local leaders with  integrity, honesty and inspire the young generations for tomorrow’s leaders.