
Building hearts of special needs people

Mr Donatien Nzokirishatse lives with a disability, limping in his legs. He teaches carpentry and welding at the National Center for Socio-Professional Rehabilitation. He is also leader of the Association of Disabled Joiners and Welders, which is in the process of agreement. "We have the skills, the knowledge and the technical know-how. We just lack the support in terms of financial resources to make the most of these assets at our [...]

By |December 3rd, 2024|Categories: Back to school, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Stories of impact: this month’s story tells how the Dionis and Pas couple went from not having enough manure for their fields to having access to it, and consequently a good harvest

Dionis is a drummer from Gishora, Burundi's drum sanctuary, and is married to Pascaline. The first year of their marriage was a difficult one, in terms of family living conditions. “Feeding my family was a difficult task because I had no manure to put in the fields,” says Dionis. “A year after the wedding, in February 2023, that's when Fort Barachel gave the Gishora drummers a pig. I was among [...]

By |November 21st, 2024|Categories: Entrepreneurship, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |




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